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Automatic Payment Program
FAQs and Enrollment Form


Click on the Enrollment Form below to enroll:

                                                                  AutoPay Enrollment Form



How does the Automatic Payment Program work?

After you enroll in the Automatic Payment Program, you will continue to receive your itemized bi-monthly water bill, but the amount of your water bill will be automatically debited from the credit card or bank account that you designate. The date your bill will be automatically paid will be noted on the bill you receive in the mail. The debit date will be approximately 20 days after the billing date. That way, if you have any concerns about the bill, you can call us to resolve them before your account is debited.

What will it cost to participate in the Automatic Payment Program?

The District is offering the Automatic Payment Program free of charge. However, you should contact your bank or credit card company to see if they have any charges for electronic fund transfers.

What happens if my payment is rejected?

Your payment may be rejected for insufficient funds, because you closed your account, or for other reasons. If your payment is rejected, you will be notified by mail and subject to delinquency fees should you fail to pay your bill by the normal due dates. Your bank or credit card company may charge additional fees.

How do I change the designated bank account or credit card for my payments?

Call the District at (707) 869-4000 to notify us of any changes to your automatic payment information. The District is not responsible for any delinquency fees that may be charged to you because of a changed or cancelled credit card or bank account number.

How do I cancel my enrollment in the Automatic Payment Program?

Call the District at (707) 869-4000 to cancel your enrollment in the Automatic Payment Program. If you close your water account, you will be cancelled automatically.


Click on the Enrollment Form below to enroll:

                                                                  AutoPay Enrollment Form